Please Slow Down signs have been requested by many residents across the ward. So-much-so that a new order of signs has been placed to meet the demand reminding drivers to slow down. I think this is systemic of a larger issue and has been part of my strategy to increase public safety.
Just Slow Down is a public awareness campaign to help drivers understand the relationship of excessive speed to traffic collisions, injuries and fatalities.
The consequences of a single moment in time can be catastrophic. Excessive speed not only contributes to loss of vehicle control and greater incidence of collision, but a reduction of just a few kilometers per hour during impact can mean the difference of life and death…walking away and long-term disability.
Drivers and pedestrians alike deserve to feel safe on Winnipeg streets. An overall reduction in driving speed CAN and WILL make a difference.
JOIN THE MOVEMENT. Consider a general reduction in your driving speed as a habit. Help keep Winnipeg streets safer for all.
If you are interested in ordering one of these signs for your front lawn please e-mail me through our contact page and leave a message with your name address and e-mail: or they are available through contacting any of our four police stations.