In 2017 there were 2,327 vehicles stolen in Winnipeg; this increased to 2,797 in 2018. Thefts from motor vehicles also increased from 6,482 in 2017 to 8,063 in 2018. Most property crimes are crimes of opportunity.
The Winnipeg Police Service has launched an All Valuables Removed Program to help you protect your vehicle and belongings from theft and vandalism.
You can reduce the likelihood of being a target of these crimes by taking an active role in crime prevention by following these simple steps.
- Remove valuables and shopping bags from view – this includes removing loose change and electronic devices
- Don’t leave personal identification, vehicle registration or insurance certificates, or credit cards in your vehicle
- Never leave your vehicle running and unattended
- Always close windows and lock all doors
- Never leave your car keys house keys or garage door opener in your vehicle
- Park in well-lit areas with pedestrian traffic
Displaying the bright yellow theft prevention card can be a deterrent to thieves and can help save you reporting time, insurance costs, missed work and towing charges. It also acts as a reminder to other drivers to protect their valuables.
If you are interested in ordering one of these cards for your vehicle(s) please e-mail me through our contact page and leave a message with your name address and e-mail address or they are available through contacting any of our four police stations.