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Hot cars are no place for leaving kids and pets unattended
The Winnipeg Police Service would like to remind you of the dangers of leaving children and pets unattended in motor vehicles this summer.
People need to realize that it is never okay to leave a child or a family pet in a motor vehicle, even for a brief time. On a hot day, temperatures inside a closed motor vehicle can soar to dangerous levels in as little as ten minutes.
- Heat exhaustion can occur at temperatures above 32 degrees Celsius (90 F)
- Heat stroke can occur when temperatures rise above 40 degrees Celsius (105 F)
a person is enclosed in a hot car, temperatures can climb so rapidly that
they overwhelm a person’s ability to regulate his or her internal
temperature. In a closed environment, the body – especially in a small
body – can go into shock quickly and circulation to vital organs can fail.
Many pets die each year as a result of being left in parked cars during
warm weather. Temperatures inside a parked car rapidly reach well over 38
degrees Celsius (100 F) on a relatively mild day during the summer, even if the
car is parked in the shade.
A dog’s normal body temperature is about 39 degrees Celsius (102
F). A dog can withstand a body temperature of 41 degrees Celsius (106 F)
for only a very short time before suffering irreparable brain damage or even
Every member of the community should be on the lookout for a potentially
bad situation.
If you see a young child or a family pet in an unattended car, you
should take immediate action. Call 911 for help. Taking the
appropriate action immediately, could save a child or a family pet from serious
harm or even death.
We are urging parents and caregivers to be particularly vigilant about
their children and pet’s safety on days when temperatures reach 26 degrees
Celsius (80 F) or higher.
Please consider the following safety precautions to
prevent heat-related injuries in cars:
- Never leave your child or family pet unattended in a motor vehicle, even with the windows cracked open a few inches. Teach children not to play in, on or around cars
- Always lock car doors and trucks — even at home. Watch children and family pets closely around cars, particularly when loading or unloading items
- Always make sure all children and family pets have left the car when you reach the destination
- Don’t overlook sleeping infants or pets
- If you get locked out and your child or pet is in the car, call CAA (204) 262-6000 (these calls are free to anyone member or non-member in this situation) or call 911 immediately
- When restraining children in a car that has been parked in the heat, check to make sure seating surfaces and equipment (car seats and seat belt buckles) aren’t excessively hot
- Keep the rear fold-down seats closed to help prevent kids and pets from getting in to the trunk from inside the car
- Put car keys out of children’s reach and sight
- Be wary of child-resistant locks. Teach older children how to disable the driver’s side door lock
Remember, never leave your child or pet alone in a vehicle for ANY
length of time. It only takes a moment to be locked out
accidentally or for temperatures to create a dangerous situation!
Have a safe and happy summer.