New Opportunity for Engagement
St. James Community Parks and Recreation Improvements
The City is asking for feedback from St. James area residents to determine the community’s parks and recreation needs. The community’s input through an online survey (available until August 5) will help determine gaps in parks and recreation needs and will lead to determining recreation options available for public feedback.
$1.4 million in proposed funding is identified for parks and recreation amenities in the 2019 Capital Budget forecast for 2020. The City is looking at improving parks and recreation in the area of 255 Hamilton Ave. (former Vimy Arena). We are asking for input from those in the Lakewood, Crestview, Heritage Park, Buchanan, and Sturgeon Creek neighbourhoods.
For more information, please visit winnipeg.ca/stjamesrec.
Ongoing Opportunity for Engagement
Stadium Station decorative panels – Southwest Transitway
Winnipeg Transit plans to install six large panels with graphics to decorate Stadium Station, located beside Investors Group Field at the University of Manitoba, as part of the Southwest Transitway project.
We want you to vote for your favorite theme. The decorative panels will be designed based on the winning theme. The winning theme will be announced this summer, and the decorative panels are anticipated to be installed in the fall. Voting closes July 19, 2019.
More information at winnipeg.ca/stadiumstation.
Engagement Update
Lord Roberts Community Traffic Study
The public engagement summary from Phase 2 (Identifying Issues) is now available. The technical team is currently implementing a data collection plan to measure the traffic issues in the neighbourhood identified in this phase of engagement. Later this summer, the Public Advisory Committee will have their second meeting to discuss feedback and next steps. Those who signed up for updates will be kept apprised of data collection outcomes and how to get involved in Phase 3, Developing Solutions.
For more information, please visit winnipeg.ca/lordrobertstraffic.