SNOW CLEARING ACTIVE TRAILS/PATHWAYS Area Residents have been asking about snow clearing of trail/pathways in South St. Vital for the winter months of 2019-20, specifically adjacent to the schools of Christine Lesperance School, Highbury School and Burland School. The line in question on the map is in blue and specifically the trail/pathway is the dotted blue line. The dotted lines will be plowed at the same time the solid lines are plowed. The colours represent priority levels.
Primary 1 (P1) Streets are in solid red line, and sidewalks would be the dotted red lines adjacent to them
Primary 2 (P2) streets are in the solid blue line and the sidewalks and trailways are in the dotted blue lines adjacent to them
Primary 3 (P3) streets are in the solid green and generally don’t have sidewalks, but if they do, are the dotted green lines.
Other streets and trail/pathways in (RPS) that received plowing last year will continue to receive their same level of plowing for 2019-20