Construction UPDATE: The road construction has been completed for the 2019 year.
Stage 1 (Grandmont to Rue des Trappistes) was completed and approximately half of Stage 2 (Rue des Trappistes to the ball field) is completed. The extremely wet September and October snowstorm affected the construction schedule and crews were not able to get the second half of Stage 2 done this year.
The Contractor is finishing installation of two culverts and doing some site clean-up this week and then will be moving off-site. The temporary lane built adjacent to the east side of the road will remain in-place and delineator posts will be installed to block it off from traffic. All other traffic controls will be removed for the winter and Waverley will be re-opened as a two-lane, two-way road north of the bridge while the bridge is still inaccessible.
Next spring the Contractor will return to finish Stage 2 and construct Stage 3 (Baseball field to south City limit). After Stage 3 is completed, an asphalt chipseal surface treatment will be applied to Waverley.