Ongoing Opportunities for Engagement
Building Public Engagement
New Opportunities for Engagement Wolseley to Downtown Walk Bike Project Phase 2 has begun. We are looking for your perspectives on preliminary design options and treatments. Preliminary design options have taken Phase 1 stakeholder priorities into consideration including safety, bike network connections, and cycling comfort. Share your input on design options and alternatives through an online survey (available until June 21) or in-person at a pop-up, guided walk/bike tour or workshop event. More information available at winnipeg.ca/walkbikeprojects |
Why do we engage? How do we engage? The draft Engage Winnipeg Policy is an early step in answering those questions as a result of your candid feedback provided over the past several years.
Thank you to those who attended the workshop on May 30. If you were unable to attend, provide your input online through a survey or discussion board to continue to build a strong foundation for engagement and build engagement for all Winnipeggers. The survey will be open until June 9.
What’s next?
After we gather your feedback, we will recommend a policy for Council approval and develop a plan for an engagement framework.
More information available at winnipeg.ca/publicengagement.
Revue des services en français (English to follow)
Contribuez à façonner l’avenir des services en français à Winnipeg.
Merci à toutes les personnes qui ont participé à l’atelier du 29 mai. Si vous n’avez pas pu participer, veuillez nous faire part de vos expériences sur l’utilisation des services municipaux en français et faites-nous savoir comment nous pouvons améliorer ces services en répondant à un sondage en ligne, ou procurez-vous une carte pause-café et discutez des services en français avec votre famille et des amis. Répondez au sondage au plus tard le 12 juin.
Pour en savoir davantage, veuillez consulter le site Web winnipeg.ca/revueslf.
French Language Services Review
Help shape the future of French language services in Winnipeg.
Thank you to those who attended the workshop on May 29. If you were unable to attend, please participate online through a survey or pick up or print a coffee chat card and discuss French language services with your family and friends. Submit feedback until June 12.For more information, please visit winnipeg.ca/flsreview.
Engagement Updates
A Better Bridge for Arlington recommended design
The public engagement report and summary for A Better Bridge for Arlington project are now available under the documents tab.
Feedback gathered through the public engagement process was considered within the project design. The results were considered and an administrative report with recommendations were submitted for review at a meeting of the Standing Policy Committee on Infrastructure Renewal and Public Works (SPC-IRPW) on May 28, 2019. An executive summary of the project report, design drawings,and report on property requirements are now available.
Visit winnipeg.ca/betterarlington for more information.
Chief Peguis Trail Extension West recommended design
An administrative report outlining recommendations for the Chief Peguis Trail Extension West has been developed. The report was presented at a meeting of the Standing Policy Committee on Infrastructure Renewal and Public Works (SPC-IRPW) on May 28, 2019. An executive summary of the project report, updated design drawings,and report on property requirements are now available.
Visit winnipeg.ca/chiefpeguistrail for more information.