New Opportunities for Engagement Moving on Marion Street The City of Winnipeg is planning to undertake a new transportation study that will identify potential cost-effective improvements to safety, transportation, access, and community development and livablity on Marion Street from Lagimodiere Boulevard to St. Mary’s Road. Please take a moment to provide feedback before the new transportation study begins so we start off on the right track. Tell us how you use the Marion Street corridor and where you’re seeing issues. The project team will be collecting feedback through a survey and online mapping tool until June 30 and at in-person listening and mapping session on June 26. More information available at winnipeg.ca/movingonmarion Taxi Pre-payment Pilot Project The City of Winnipeg is planning a taxi pre-payment pilot project as part of several safety improvement measures in the vehicles for hire industry. We are consulting with vehicles for hire stakeholders and the public through an online survey to gather input to develop the pilot. The project team will be collecting feedback from May 6 to June 26, 2019. Learn more at winnipeg.ca/vehiclesforhire. Stadium Station decorative panels – Southwest Transitway Winnipeg Transit plans to install six large panels with graphics to decorate Stadium Station, located beside Investors Group Field at the University of Manitoba, as part of the Southwest Transitway project. We want you to vote for your favorite theme. The decorative panels will be designed based on the winning theme. The winning theme will be announced this summer, and the decorative panels are anticipated to be installed in the fall. Voting closes July 19, 2019. More information at winnipeg.ca/stadiumstation. Ongoing Opportunities for Engagement Wolseley to Downtown Walk Bike Project We are looking for your perspectives on preliminary design options and treatments. Preliminary design options have taken Phase 1 stakeholder priorities into consideration including safety, bike network connections, and cycling comfort. View the design options and provide feedback online until June 21. More information available at winnipeg.ca/walkbikeprojects. Revue des services en français (English to follow) Contribuez à façonner l’avenir des services en français à Winnipeg. La date limite pour répondre au sondage en ligne a été repoussée au 24 juin 2019. Pour en savoir davantage, veuillez consulter le site Web winnipeg.ca/revueslf. French Language Services Review Help shape the future of French language services in Winnipeg. The deadline to provide feedback through the online survey has been extended until June 24, 2019. For more information, please visit winnipeg.ca/flsreview. |